Tonkatsu Club 돈까스클럽 본점
There is a Tonkatsu Club in Korea.
It is also a famous franchise like McDonald's in foreign countries.
There is a city called Yangju above Seoul, and the main branch of the pork cutlet club is located in Yangju.
This is a very large restaurant as the main branch.
The reason why many Koreans like this place is because it has a clean interior and is a good dish.
The disadvantage of this place is that you need a car to get there.
It is inconvenient for also Koreans without cars too.
because there are not many public transportation means to go here.
Maybe it's more uncomfortable for foreigners.
But if you have a Korean friend, make sure to go.
I'll definitely recommend it.
The name of the store is 돈까스클럽.
#돈까스클럽, #donkatsuclub, #yangju, #korea, #resturants, #pork